ReplikAntville |
Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2003
aus aktuellem Anlaß
I take music pretty seriously. You see that scar on my wrist? You see that? Hmm? You know where that's from? I heard the Bee Gees were getting back together again. I couldn't take it, okay? That was the only good thing about the 1980's. We got rid of one of the Bee Gees. One down, three to go, that's what I say, folks. Yeah--here's ten bucks, bring me the head of Barry Manilow, all right? I wanna drink beer out of his empty head! I wanna have a Barry Manilow skull-keg party at my apartment, okay? You write the songs, we'll drink the beer out of your head. Denis Leary, No Cure for Cancer [source]
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